

Searching for Yetis in the Romit Valley

The Romit Valley, Tajikistan is a magical and mysterious place filled with massive mountains, bubbling thermal springs, dense forests, alpine rivers, and quaint medieval villages. With a fascinating mix of microclimates – even at a similar same elevation – the valley’s Romit State Nature Reserve is an extraordinary place where you can hike from snow-covered slopes on one side to lush green slopes covered with sun-drenched flowers on the other.

Romit village is the main hub of the valley and can be found 70 kilometers from the Tajik capital where the two rivers meet. A little over an hour’s drive away, it makes for an easy day trip from Dushanbe. Romit town is a rustic little place home to subsistence farmers and can be accessed via the main highway to Vahdat, a tiny post-industrial town.

From Vahdat, the road travels through a gorgeous valley dotted with abandoned Pioneer camps and the Yavroz sanatorium where you can stay the night and relax. In fact, the Yavroz recreation area with a hot spring that is believed to have healing powers for the skin, nerves, bones, and muscles so it is the perfect way to relax after an adventure in the Romit Valley.

On the opposite side of the river from the town is the Romit nature reserve. Formed in 1959, it boasts over 39,537 acres of mountains and protected natural forests of mulberry, poplar, oleaster, birch, maple, and willow trees. One thing is for certain: you will not go hungry hiking in the Romit Valley as you can pick wild apples, plums, cherries, pears, and almonds along the way.

The alpine meadows above the forest are a kaleidoscope of color with wildflowers growing along the slopes of the mountain at specific times of the year. Spring is the best time to visit the Romit Valley in Tajikistan for obvious reasons – this is when you will see the valley in full bloom.

Whatever time of year you visit, you will find the rivers filled with king’s fish – a form of trout known for their leaping and waterfall climbing abilities – as well as catfish and marinka fish. Apart from excellent fishing opportunities, the Romit Valley of Tajikistan is a paradise for bird watching with over 100 species having been recorded in the area. These include birds featured on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Do not be surprised to see lammergeyer and golden eagles circling overhead as you explore the valley.

The valley is a haven for wildlife too. The slopes are home to everything from wild goats and tugai deer to rare snow leopards. But the most popular animal in the Romit Valley has to be the legend of the Yeti. The people who live in the valley are obsessed with the Yeti and since Soviet times, they have dispatched intensive expeditions in search of it. Even the Soviet Academy of Sciences sent a team out into the wild and rugged terrain of the Romit Valley Nature Reserve on a hunt for the legendary Abominable Snowman.

Many Tajik locals and even Soviet soldiers have reported sightings of the Yeti and followed traces of mysterious footprints but to no avail. Villagers are so sure that they have seen and even encountered this mythical beast that they will even swear it on the Koran. While there is no proof that this ape-like creature exists, scientists believe it could be an ancient population of cavemen or even a form of unidentified mountain monkey.

Would you like to head off on a yeti-finding expedition or taste your way through the fruits of the Romit Valley, Tajikistan? Take a look at the tours and itineraries with Paramount Journey and get in touch to start planning your visit today.


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